Module 31
Study Goals
Memorization of the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter X, pp. 181-182
Understanding of Chapter X, sections I and II, pp. 169-175
Reading and memorization of dialogue in section II, p. 175
Getting Started
Read and listen to the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter X, pp. 181-182.
Look over the dialogue on p. 175 and identify new vocabulary.
Practice Exercises
- Read, listen to, repeat and memorize the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter X, pp. 181-182.
- Read and memorize information about how to express "don't" on p. 169.
- Read and memorize the special rural expressions on p. 170.
- Read the special passages on health care and agriculture on pp. 171-172.
- Read the information about religious holidays.
- Read and listen to dialogue in section II, p. 175. Memorize one or two of the parts in the dialogue.
Culture Capsule
LangMedia, Wolof and French in Senegal Taxi
- "Taking a Taxi 1"
- "Taking a Taxi 2"
Conversation Session Preparation
Be prepared to take one of the roles in a recitation of the dialogue.
Be prepared to create sentences and responses that include use of the word and concept dont.
- I am memorizing the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter X, pp. 181-182.
- I have read and memorized how to use expressions with "don't."
- I have read the information on religious holidays and the special sections on health care and agriculture.
- I have read and memorized various roles in the dialogue in section II, p. 175.
- Submit self-assessment report as required by your course syllabus or program.