
Turkmen Expressions

allo - hello (answering phone)

baş üstüne - you're welcome, at your service

berseňizläň - would you please give

Bile ýalkasyn - reply to (Taňry ýalkasyn) God bless both of us

bolyar - all right, fine, ok

bolyar, görüşýänçäk - all right, until we see each other

diýimeli zady - what one should say

eken - really, is, it turns out that

Enşallah - God willing

ertire çenli - until tomorrow

Essalamaleykum - how do you do

gelip duruň - come again

gelneje - form of address to older or senior woman

gurgunmysyňyz? - are you well?

gynansam-da - unfortunately

hoş galyň - goodbye, stay well

hoş geldiňiz - welcome

höwes bilen – with pleasure

Hudaý Bilsin – God knows

işleriň gowymy? – are things good with you?

işleriňiz nähili – how are things with you

keýpiň kök – you’re ‘n good spirits

keýpiňiz kökmi – are you in good spirits?

meselem – for example

minutlab – for (x number of ) minutes

otyryberiň – have a seat, go ahead and sit down

öý-içeriler gurgunçylykmy? – are your house and family well?

sag bol (-uň) – thank you, (be healthy), thanks; good bye, so long

salam – hi, hello

synanyp göreýin – let me give it a try

Taňry ýalkasyn – thank you, (God bless you)

Valeykumessalam – how do you do (response to)

ýagdaýlaryň nähili? – how are you doing?

ýaly-la – it seems, evidently, as though

ýoluňyz ak bolsun! – good luck, have a safe trip

ýüziň nähoş görünýär – you don’t look well