Japanese in Japan
Public phones are plentiful and conveniently located. Usually gray or green in color, most phones take both coins (10 and 100 yen only) and phone cards. As a rule, phone cards are usually more convenient. Cards can be purchased at kiosks at local train stations and in department stores. Phone cards are standardized nationwide and can be used for any public phone in Japan unless the phone is a rare, old model that accepts only coins.
"Making Plans with a Friend"Transcript document:
"Getting a Phone Number from a Friend"Transcript document:
"Calling a Cell Phone"Transcript document:
"Using a Public Pay Phone"No transcript
Click on the text to hear the spoken phrase.
(on the phone only)
もしもし -
"This is Takuya."
卓也です -
"May I speak with Keiko?"
恵子さんはいらっしゃいますか? -
"This is Takuya, may I speak with Keiko?"
卓也ですが恵子さんはいらっしゃいますか? -
"Who is speaking?"
どなた様でいらっしゃいますか。 -
"Please wait a moment."
少々お待ちください -
"It's me."
私です -
"Please excuse me."
(formal end of phone conversation)
失礼します -
(informal end of phone conversation)
ばいばい -
(informal end of phone conversation)