
Palestinian Arabic in Jordan


A white police car parked by the street

The emergency number to dial for police is 191. For medical emergencies, one must call the hospital or doctor. Neighborhood health centers serve the health needs of the general public. At these centers, patients walk-in, register, and wait until called. To consult a private doctor, one usually needs to make an appointment.


Click on the text to hear the spoken phrase.
  • "Help me!"

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "Help me quickly"
    (literally: "People, catch me)
    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "police"

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "ambulance"

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "I am seriously ill."
    (as spoken by a female)
    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "I am seriously ill."
    (as spoken by a male)
    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic
  • "fire!"

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Arabic