Study Goals
- Memorization of the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter VII, pp. 136-137
- Understanding of Chapter VII, sections I and II, pp. 121-128
- Understanding of health and health-related privacy on pp. 121-126
- Reading and memorization of dialogues in section II, pp. 127-128
Getting Started
- Read and listen to the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter VII, pp. 136-137.
- Look over the dialogues on pp. 127-128 and identify new vocabulary.
Practice Exercises
- Read, listen to, repeat and memorize the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter VII, pp. 136-137.
- Read and memorize the information in section I, pp. 121-126 that deals with health and health-related privacy. This will involve your doing some outside research about health care terms.
- Once you are comfortable with the health care section, complete the exercise on p. 125.
- Read and listen to both dialogues in section II, pp. 127-128. Memorize one or two of the parts in the dialogues.
Culture Capsule
LangMedia, Wolof and French in Senegal Pharmacy
- "Buying a Non-Prescription Medicine"
- "Buying a Prescription Medicine"
Conversation Session Preparation
- Be prepared to create dialogues that mirror those in this chapter in which you introduce yourself (are introduced) to both rural and non-rural persons.
- Be prepared to identify correct questions and responses about the health of a person. If you feel that a question/response is incorrect, can you correct it? (Your conversation partner will create these questions/responses.)
- I am memorizing the vocabulary in Gaye Chapter VII, pp. 136-137.
- I understand the discussion of health and health-related privacy on pp. 121-126
- I have read and memorized various roles in the dialogues in section II, pp. 127-128.
- Submit self-assessment report as required by your course syllabus or program.